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North American International TCM Treatment Centre

Traditional Chinese Medicine - Always Care

Hemorrhoids Fistulas

Burn Skin-Diseases

Infertility Reproduction

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Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your rectum or anus. The type of hemorrhoid you have depends on where it occurs. Basic have three types:

  • Internal hemorrhoids - involve the veins inside your rectum. Internal hemorrhoids usually don't hurt but they may bleed painlessly.
  • Prolapsed hemorrhoids - may stretch down until they bulge outside your anus. A prolapsed hemorrhoid may go back inside your rectum on its own, or you can gently push it back inside.
  • External hemorrhoids - involve the veins outside the anus. They can be itchy or painful and can sometimes crack and bleed.


It is an abnormal medical condition which results in the growth of unnecessary passage ways between different organs which need not have been there in the first place. Fistulas can develop almost anywhere inside the body and between any two organs. Although in most cases it is not much of a complication. However precautions and treatment not taken at the right time might lead to problems like infection and even cancer at times.


It’s a medical condition in which there is a small cut or incision on the skin lining the anus. Its quite a painful condition and is supplemented by bleeding at regular intervals of time.

Anal Abscess

An anal abscess is a painful condition in which a collection of pus develops near the anus. Most anal abscesses are a result of infection from small anal glands. The most common type of abscess is a perianal abscess. This often appears as a painful boil-like swelling near the anus. It may be red in colour and warm to the touch. Anal abscesses located in deeper tissue are less common and may be less visible. After an abscess has been drained, however, about 50% of patients will develop a complication called a fistula.

Anal Eczema

Eczematous lesions of the anal skin are typically characterized by skin thickening, reddish fissures and cracks.
Anal eczema often occurs as a sequel of other diseases, including: hemorrhoids, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, anal fistulas, chronic diarrhea, fecal incontinence, infections.


See More Cause of hemorrhoids >


The Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids

Normally have 6 Signs will advise you have hemorrhoids ( piles)

1. Rectal bleeding
Bright red blood this can appear on toilet paper or really coat the outside of the stool, rather than being mixed into it. This is the most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids.

2. Itchy or painful anus
This speaks for itself really. You may also find that you are uncomfortable when you sit for any length of time. It is caused by multiple effects of internal hemorrhoids, among other problems.and remember never, ever scratch this area, no matter how it itches. Scratching only inflames everything more, leads to further itching

3. Small lumps
You may feel small lumps hanging out of your anus. This is known as a prolapsed hemorrhoid and you may sometimes find that you can really push the lumps back inside using your finger – not a very pleasant thought! These should not be confused with external hemorrhoids, as they still have their origin inside the anus as clarified above. At the worst stage, even if you push it back it soon comes out again, no matter if you’re having a bowel movement or not, or you can’t push it back in at all.

4. Bowels feel full
Incomplete bowel movements are a large internal hemorrhoids symptom A less well-known symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bowel movements that don’t fully evacuate the rectum. Sometimes sufferers of internal hemorrhoids find that their bowels still feel like they need emptying, even if they have just been to the toilet.

5. Mucus
It is common to discharge a mucus whilst you are passing a stool. This mucus can also cause skin irritation, eventually exits the body, getting onto the skin right around the anal sphincter. When mucus dries on skin, it itches like crazy.

6. Straining
It going to the toilet may become painful or hard, meaning that you have to strain. The problem here is that quite often this has been the cause of the problem in the first place, so can only make matters worse.

The Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids

Unlike internal hemorrhoids, which are usually not painful, external hemorrhoids can be quite painful. For a person with an external hemorrhoid, symptoms may also include:

1. Bleeding
2. Anal itching.

These symptoms can be caused by excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus. Draining mucus may also cause itching.

External hemorrhoid symptoms may also include a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms. This condition is known as a thrombosed external hemorrhoid.

Keep in mind that not everyone with external hemorrhoids will have symptoms.

The Symptoms of Anal Fistula

  1. a throbbing, constant pain that may be worse when you sit down, move around, pass stools or cough
  2. pus or blood when passing stools
  3. irritation of the skin around the anus (the opening where waste leaves the body)
  4. itchiness around the anus
  5. a high temperature (fever) of 38°C (100.4°F) or over.

If you have a fistula that is the result of a condition that causes inflammation (swelling) of the intestines (part of your digestive system), such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or ulcerative colitis (see causes), you may experience other symptoms. These could include:

  1. abdominal pain
  2. diarrhoea
  3. loss of appetite 
  4. weight loss
  5. nausea (feeling sick)
  6. vomiting


The Symptoms of Anal Fissures

Patients with anal fissures almost always experience anal pain that worsens with bowel movements. The pain following a bowel movement may be brief or long lasting; however, the pain usually subsides between bowel movements. The pain can be so severe that patients are unwilling to have a bowel movement, resulting in constipation and even fecal impaction. Moreover, constipation can result in the passage of a larger, harder stool that causes further trauma and makes the fissure worse. The pain also can affect urination by causing discomfort when urinating (dysuria), frequent urination, or the inability to urinate. Bleeding in small amounts, itching (pruritus ani), and a malodorous discharge may occur due to the discharge of pus from the fissure. As previously mentioned, anal fissures commonly bleed in infants.

The Symptoms and Complications of Eczema

Almost always, there's an itch before a rash appears in eczema. Typically, eczema shows itself as:
Patches of chronically itchy, dry, thickened skin, usually on the hands, neck, face, and legs. In children, the inner creases of the knees and elbows are often involved.
Scratching can lead to sores with crusts.

Atopic dermatitis appears as red, itchy, dry skin. It tends to first appear in childhood, and may disappear completely before adulthood. It most often affects the area behind the knees and around the elbows, as well as the face. In infants, it often appears on the chest, face, scalp, and neck. Atopic people who contract the herpes simplex virus can be struck by eczema herpeticum, a serious secondary infection of the inflamed skin that causes a worsened rash and fever.

Contact dermatitis often causes a dry and intensely itchy, red rash. Depending on the trigger to the reaction, the rash may actually be painful, forming blisters that cause discharge before then crusting over. Still other reactions caused by irritants cause swelling at the affected area. The area involved may be a clue to the responsible allergen or irritant. The worst forms of allergic contact dermatitis, such as severe latex reactions, can be associated with the potentially fatal allergic reaction called anaphylaxis, which is a body-wide response to the allergen.

Seborrheic dermatitis in adults is dandruff. In babies, it can form a thick yellow flaky rash on the scalp. In severe cases, bacteria can build up in fatty deposits, producing an unpleasant odour.

Dyshidrotic dermatitis can cause blisters on the palms of the hands, sides of the fingers, and soles of the feet. The skin will feel itchy or you may feel a burning sensation, and it can crack or peel.

Nummular eczema appears as itchy, red, coin-shaped areas with discharge on the limbs and torso.

Stasis dermatitis appears as inflamed, scaly skin around the lower legs and ankles. Over time, it may turn dark brown.

Neurodermatitis is intensely itchy and tends to promote an itch-scratch-itch cycle that causes red, rough plaques. It usually affects the ankles, lower legs, back, and sides of the neck. Neurodermatitis tends to be most itchy when you are at rest or relaxing.

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BENEFITS to Choice Zhang's Natural Herbal Medicine:

  • Obvious analgesic effect.
  • Quickly disperse swelling.
  • Singnificantly reduce abscess and fester, relieving congestion and blood stasis.
  • Naturally promote skin and muscle growth and tissue regeneration.
  • Treat on the roots.
  • Be able to produce a visible results within a few days.
  • It dose not affect your work.


Zhang’s “Qing Zhi Dan”, (meaning in English is Zhang’s “The Powder of Eliminate Hemorrhoids”) 100% applied as a external natural herbal remedy in treating practically all kind of hemorrhoids.

Primary healing effect: Active blood, eliminate stasis, inflammation, pain; skin has a high efficacy of the new breed, advance the natural growth fresh fleshes. May able to stop the bleeding, pain, relieve pain disease in short time. May 80% patients have visible results within a few days (generally 2-3 days)

Natural shrink hemorrhoids in situ, non-muscle tissue necrosis, roots come off naturally, does not affect patient’s normal work.

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- Early Detection Can Spot the Difference

During our years of clinical practice at the North American International Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Centre, we have found that there is often confusion among patients about the difference between hemorrhoids and rectal cancer. This confusion is understandable because the symptoms of hemorrhoids and early rectal cancer are similar. Since each condition requires a completely different treatment program, we feel it is important that people learn to tell the difference between the two conditions, through education, self examination, and a free visit to our clinic.

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